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He Said We Should Hang Out Again but No Time

Uzaki and Sakurai

Uzaki-chan Wants to Hang Out! (宇崎ちゃんは遊びたい!, Uzaki-chan wa Asobitai! or Uzaki-chan Wants to Play!) is a Slice of Life / ecchi comedy manga series by Take. The manga has been serialized by Kadokawa Shoten in the magazine Dra-Dra-Dragon Age since December 2017, and is licensed in the United States and Canada by Seven Seas Entertainment.

Shinichi Sakurai is a fit and grumpy-faced 3rd year college student who just wants to spend his free time alone. Unfortunately for him, an underclassman from his high school days, the short, energetic, and very buxom 2nd year student Hana Uzaki, has taken notice of this. None too pleased that someone she once admired has a nonexistent social life, she resolves to remedy that: by constantly pestering and teasing him until Sakurai is forced to hang out with her on a regular basis. Slowly, but surely, he gradually starts enjoying his time with her to the point that, even with all their bickering, they've become best friends who are almost always seen together. And maybe with a bit more time, they'll become something a bit more...

The cast is rounded out by Sakurai's coworker Ami Asai, a slightly perverted woman and Shipper on Deck who works with him (and later Uzaki) at her father Akihiko's cafe; Itsuhito Sakaki, Sakurai's womanizing classmate and Only Friend prior to Uzaki streamrolling into his life; and Uzaki's much meeker but equally buxom mother, Tsuki, who is under the mistaken impression that Sakurai is some kind of scary pervert when he really just wants to pet some cats.

An anime adaptation from Studio ENGI began airing Summer 2020; the two promotional videos can be seen here and here. A second season was announced shortly after the finale, planned for a 2021 release. The series was licensed by Funimation and can be watched here.

Uzaki-chan Wants to Hang Out! provides examples of:

  • 2D Visuals, 3D Effects: Throughout the anime, mainly with things like doors and bushes.
  • Amazingly Embarrassing Parents: Uzaki, Kiri and Yanagi find their boisterous, enthusiastic father tremendously embarrasing.
  • Author Appeal: All of the girls not named Uzaki wear glasses.
  • Best Friend: Short of romantic development, Uzaki and Sakurai are this for each other.
  • Buxom Is Better: Invoked and played with. Ami encourages Uzaki to use her plentiful assets to lure Sakurai, but in spite of said bounty, Uzaki is not very good at doing this and most of her attempts backfire, ending up leaving her more embarrassed than what she bargained for.
  • Cannot Spit It Out: Even after Uzaki's worrying about Sakurai graduating and leaving, and talking to Sakaki about how she should "hurry", she's refusing to do the simple solution stated by Sakaki to just tell him that she likes him and instead affirms to Sakaki that she'll get Sakurai to confess he loves her within a year.
  • Color Failure: Fujio suffers this (Hana even asks if "turning white like that" is the latest trend) when he sees her and Shinichi Holding Hands.
  • Comic Role Play: In Chapter 70, Akihiko, Sakaki, and Ami are helping Shinichi practice giving a Love Confession to Hana, but Ami gets a bit too into it. Of course Hana walks in as Ami is taking Shinichi's shirt off.
  • Connected All Along: Fujio is introduced as a personal trainer at a new gym Sakurai is trying out. Then he goes home, and we find out he's Uzaki's father! The two of them get to discussing relationships, and Sakurai mentions his complicated situation with Uzaki, without saying her name, while Fujio mentions that his daughter has someone she likes. It's not until Sakurai goes over to the Uzaki house for Christmas that they realize the other's relation to Uzaki.
  • *Crack!* "Oh, My Back!": Sakurai and Uzaki go to a batting center, and Uzaki decides to give it a go. She doesn't stretch properly, though, and being a rather top-heavy girl she wrenches her back when she goes for a full powered swing.
  • Does This Remind You of Anything?: As Sakurai is trying to grab Uzaki out of some bushes, she asks him if he's "pulling out", all while her hips are towards his crotch.....and it especially doesn't help in his case when some passers-by see what he's doing.
  • Dope Slap: When Uzaki tries hypnotizing Sakurai and starts making outrageous demands, he finally snaps and delivers the "karate chop atop the head" variant to her.
  • Eating the Eye Candy: Although she doesn't actually have feelings for Sakurai, Ami is guilty of constantly lusting over his body, something Sakaki hilariously calls her out on. She even tries to trick Sakurai to wait at their cafe while only wearing skimpy shorts.
  • Everyone Can See It: Sakurai and Uzaki are made for each other... but neither realizes it or cares to admit it.
  • Expository Hairstyle Change: Flashbacks of Uzaki and Sakurai in high school has Uzaki's hair at shoulder-length.
  • Fell Asleep Standing Up: In Chapter 11 Uzaki and Sakurai get squished together on a crowded train. Sakurai is desperately trying not to get a rise out of the situation and focus on something else. Unfortunately, the whole situation becomes too much for him, especially when he notices how good Uzaki smells, and he ends passing out standing up with his eyes wide open.
  • First-Name Basis: Sakurai is on a first name basis with Ami but not Uzaki, who's been his friend longer. In Chapter 10, Uzaki finds out about this and it bugs her so much that she tries to hypnotize him into calling her by her first name. Long story short, it doesn't work. He then explains that he doesn't like referring to girls by their first name and only does so with Ami to avoid confusion at his workplace since he works with her and her dad. Comes back in Chapter 46. Ami, his boss, Tsuki and Uzaki finally strong-arm him into calling Uzaki by her first name, as she got offended after he starts calling Tsuki by her first name, but still continue to refer to her as Uzaki.
  • Foil: Ami and Sakaki are this to each other when it comes to being shippers for Uzaki and Sakurai. Ami favors the passive approach, leaving them to their devices as much as possible, while Sakaki favors direct intervention by forcing them into situations where they're alone together. This makes them clash initially, but they start working together upon realizing they're ultimately working towards the same exact goal.
  • Fun T-Shirt: Uzaki's iconic "Sugoi Dekai" shirt, which fits her given that it translates to "wow huge"/"super huge"/"really big"/etc.
  • Gainaxing: The anime adaptation takes Uzaki's bust size and runs with the jiggling, most notably when she tries out the massage chair and vibrating fitness machines in Episode 1.
  • Hidden Depths: Underneath all the bickering, Uzaki and Sakurai are shown to be a very affectionate pair.
  • Huge Guy, Tiny Girl:
    • Uzaki is just a little shorter than average, the main reason she looks so small though is because Sakurai is a lot taller than the average guy.
    • Uzaki's parents too: although her father is more or less of average height, he has a muscular build, and with her mom being so short he easily towers over her.
  • Hypocritical Humor: Uzaki goes into a Rant-Inducing Slight when Sakurai mentions he thinks mint chocolate tastes like toothpaste. She tells him he can hate whatever he wants, but to not mock what other people enjoy. He immediately mentions that she made fun of him for going to the movies by himself regularly. When he mentions he never tasted mint chocolate because of a bad childhood encounter with mint, she nearly punches him for that.
  • Iconic Outfit: Uzaki's Fun T-Shirt, a white-and-blue top with the words 'Sugoi Dekai' note Super Big plastered at the front.
  • Idiosyncratic Episode Naming:
    • All chapter names begin with "Kouhai and [...]" ("Kouhai" referring to Uzaki).
    • The anime episodes have the verb "want" in their title. (i.e: "The Master Wants a Glimpse", "I Want to Meddle in My Friend's Business!", etc.)
  • Implausible Hair Color: Hana, her siblings Yanagi and Kiri, and their mother Tsuki all have grey hair. Tsuki is only 43, and looks much younger.
  • Indirect Kiss: Sakurai and Uzaki have one when she has him eat a mint chocolate using a toothpick. He realizes it at first, but goes through with it anyway, lest Uzaki gets mad again about him not liking mint chocolate. She then eats the last one and has this realization after eating it.
  • I Need a Freaking Drink: In chapter 33, after tricking Sakurai into getting very drunk Uzaki decides to take advantage of the situation by getting him to tell her something he would never admit to her. He tries to tell her he loves her cooking but only gets halfway saying it before blacking out so all Uzaki hears is "love you". Being "confessed" to is too much for Uzaki so she immediately starts chugging as much beer as possible to get black out drunk and forget the whole thing happened.
  • Innocent Innuendo:
    • In episode 9, Tsuki misinterprets Uzaki and Sakurai's conversation (with her in the room!) about her cats as them talking about him being into her, and her daughter willing to help them hook up. The audience knows what's going on the whole time, though.
    • Later in the episode, Tsuki overhears Uzaki and Sakurai in the cafe storeroom talking about aged coffee beans, but thinks Sakurai is talking about how he Likes Older Women.
    • In episode 10, we see Uzaki and her mother (fully clothed, mind you) breathing heavily and moving slowly back and forth, and then see Sakurai doing the same while squeezing something that looks suspiciously like a pair of breasts in a white shirt...We even get a "Harder, senpai" and "You're so good at this" before it pans out to reveal that the three of them are kneading dough for udon.
  • Just Friends: Uzaki and Sakurai have been caught in this ever since they met in high school.
  • Kansai Regional Accent: Fujio and Yanagi speak with a Kansai accent, and the former was saddened after his two eldest Uzaki and Kiri dropped it.
  • Kindhearted Cat Lover: Sakurai adores cats, but his scary face tends to drive them away.
  • Leaning on the Fourth Wall: In the dub, Ami notes how Uzaki's short stature makes her look rather babyish, but then she looks at her chest and notes that Uzaki is definitely not a baby. Seemingly a nod to the controversy surrounding her design.
  • Lost in Translation: In Chapter 48, Fujio holds up a sign and asks his kids to read it out loud. Apparently it's a joke about the Kansai Regional Accent, but the translators couldn't figure out how to localize it (especially since it involves a certain electric company commercial).
  • Love Confession: Overlapping with Did I Just Say That Out Loud?. In Chapter 72, Sakurai impulsively and absentmindedly confesses to Uzaki that he loves her after gazing at her; this, after trying to calm himself down to bide his time, not realizing that this would set him on the mind track to do so.
  • Marshmallow Hell: Happens in a bonus chapter/Episode 6: Sakurai is taking a nap and Uzaki decides to lie down with him to get some embarrassing pictures of him, but in his sleep Sakurai hugs and pulls Uzaki towards him with his face getting very snug between her ample breasts. Uzaki is shocked and embarrassed, but does not object due to both understanding that Sakurai is unaware of what he is doing in his sleep and because she feels it is karma punishing her for her prankster antics. Sakurai never finds out this happened, but does remark that was the most comfortable nap he ever had.
  • Meet the In-Laws:
    • Subverted in the case of Sakurai, who ends up meeting Uzaki's family before they even start dating each other, albeit he remains unaware of Fujio being her father until Christmas time.
    • Played straight in Chapters 75-76, when Haruko Sakurai comes for a surprise visit, right when her son has Uzaki at home. The two naturally get nervous and Uzaki does her best to leave a good first impression.
  • Meganekko: Basically every random female store attendant in the series is one, along with being quite bosomy. Ami's also quite attractive and pretty much always wearing glasses, but her cuteness is more debatable with her rampant relishing in Eating the Eye Candy.
  • Noodle Incident: According to Chapter 77.5, Sakurai's parents apparently almost got eaten by a tiger in India, but managed to scare it off.
  • Not What It Looks Like:
    • In Chapter 6, Uzaki tries to chase a stray cat through a bush but ends up getting stuck. Sakurai tries to help her out but grabbing her by her hips and pulling her out. Unfortunately, because of the way the two positioned and Uzaki yelling at him to "hurry up and pull out", two women passing by think they're having sex in public and immediately run away with Sakurai desperately yelling that it's not what it looks like.
    • Chapter 25, Uzaki's mother is visiting them at work, and goes to say goodbye to her daughter, who at the time is on the storage room with Sakurai. When Uzaki accidentally rips open a bag of coffee and panics, Sakurai tries to calm her down, but the way they say it makes Tsuki think they're having sex in there, to the point she's left trembling and has to ask the owner to call her a taxi.
    • In episode 8, Uzaki is trying to apologize to Sakurai for ruining his futon (she puked on it after getting drunk), but much to Sakurai's discomfort, she does so in front of a large group of onlookers, who naturally assume she's talking about having sex when she mentions "It was my first time".
    • In Chapter 70, Akihiko, Sakaki, and Ami are helping Shinichi practice giving a Love Confession to Hana, but Ami gets a bit too into it. Of course Hana walks in as Ami is taking Shinichi's shirt off.
  • Not So Above It All: In spite of expressing annoyance at Uzaki's teasing, it's shown that Sakurai can't handle her actually being mad at him.
  • Older Than They Look: Runs in Uzaki's family. Her mom is more than twice her age yet looks no older than her.
  • One Head Taller: Sakurai is a little over a head taller than Uzaki and the two get confused for a couple constantly.
  • Polyamory: Played for Laughs. As mentioned above, throughout the manga, Tsuki is under the false belief that Sakurai is purely lusting after her at worst, or wants in be a romantic relationship with both her and Uzaki, with her daughter giving him cues in order to both seduce Tsuki and grab her boobs, at best. What makes this even worse is that Tsuki starts to get flattered at the possibility, recognizing Sakurai for his assets and kindness.
  • Parental Sexuality Squick: In Chapter 74.2, Yanagi and Kiri enter the living room right when Fujio is forcing himself on Tsuki. Kiri yells that they should do it in their own bedroom.
  • Pretend to Be Brainwashed: Uzaki attempts to hypnotize Sakurai, which he pretends to be just to see what demand she makes of him. Initially it was calling her by her first name, which he obliges, but then Uzaki moves on to making him buy items for her, which aggravates Sakurai into dropping the act and smacking her.
  • Primal Scene: Or at least the prelude to one. Kiri goes to his father's room to give him a parent-teacher conference handout, only to see the latter, in the middle of taking his pants off, preparing to "get busy" with his wife, who's on her knees cosplaying in a School Sport Uniform. Kiri's face contorts in disgust.
  • Rant-Inducing Slight: In Chapter 17, Uzaki offers to share some of her mint chocolate with Sakurai. He declines, stating that mint chocolate tastes like toothpaste. This causes Uzaki to lose it and go on a long rant about how dumb criticizing mint chocolate for tasting like toothpaste is. This actually gets her a standing ovation from some of the people in the area.
  • Rubber Face:
    • The back cover of volume 1 of the manga has Sakurai pull Uzaki's cheeks in response to her calling him a slob.
    • Uzaki finds herself on the receiving end of this from her mom, while Tsuki scolds her for not telling her that her senpai was a guy.
  • Serious Business: Ami angrily confronts Sakaki about this during his intro after Sakurai takes Uzaki to get some ice cream. They both find out they're a Shipper on Deck for the two, but go about it differently. Whereas Sakaki wants to actively try and hook them up, Ami prefers to watch from a distance. They get into an argument about which approach is better, as Sakaki says it'd take a thousand years for the two to develop into a relationship on their own. Ami then uses Insane Troll Logic and says she'll live a thousand years.
  • Shared Family Quirks:
    • Ami and her father are both oddly amused and both Shipper on Deck for Sakurai and Uzaki.
    • Chapters 30 and 31 reveal that Uzaki gets her rude and judgmental nature from her mother. Although her mother is at least good at keeping her opinions to herself.
    • Chapter 47 introduces Uzaki's father, Fujio, and it becomes apparent where she gets her loud and excessive personality from.
    • Chapter 48 reveals that Uzaki's brother and father have a height complex.
  • She Is Not My Girlfriend: Because of Uzaki's chumminess towards Sakurai and the fact that they spend so much time together, a lot of characters assume they're dating, something both of them vehemently deny.
  • Shipper on Deck:
    • Both Ami and Sakaki would like to for Sakurai and Uzaki to become a couple. They have opposing ideas on how that should happen. Ami wants the latter two to spend as much time alone together as possible believing that they'll naturally hook up, while Sakaki thinks they won't hook up unless someone forces them to acknowledge their attraction to each other.
    • Uzaki's friends already assume she and Sakurai are an item due to how much time they spend together, and her denials are not taken seriously after said friends stumble upon Uzaki and Sakurai spooning when they happened to fall asleep at school.
    • When Uzaki's little sister Yanagi learns about Sakurai, she wants to know all about him and Uzaki, even asking their mother if she can skip school just to meet him.
  • Shown Their Work: Uzaki at one point resorts to surprisingly accurate flag semaphore in order to get Sakurai's attention.
  • Single-Target Sexuality: Uzaki and Sakurai are this for each other, but they'd be the last to admit it.
  • Sleep Cute: More than once, Uzaki and Sakurai have happened to fall asleep at the same time and end up either embracing or spooning. The fact that they do that makes their classmates affirm that their denial of being a couple is pointless. Regardless of their denials, they are two very compatible young individuals.
  • Stupid Sexy Friend: While Sakurai will begrudgingly admit to Uzaki being his friend, he will deny dating or being attracted to her to the point were he forces himself to look away anytime he catches himself gawking at her.
  • Tempting Fate: In chapter 5 Sakurai remarks how much he loves working at the cafe because if its peaceful atmosphere... then Uzaki walks in. And shortly after that, she gets a job there working alongside him.
  • Thanks for the Mammary:
    • In chapter 3 Sakurai unknowingly grabs Uzaki's breasts while getting really into a VR game. She lets it slide since he obviously didn't do it on purpose.
    • In chapter 19/episode 6, Sakurai and his friends play a game on the beach where he has to smash a watermelon blindfolded. Unfortunately he just he ends up accidentally tripping and getting a handful of Uzaki's breasts.
  • They Do: After some healthy teasing/scolding due to his stumbling confession, Uzaki accepts becoming Sakurai's girlfriend in Chapter 73.
  • Threesome Subtext: Ami's antics sometimes tread into this territory, like when she and Uzaki crash Sakurai's solo karaoke session with revealing cosplay and do A Lady on Each Arm, or when she gets disappointed that she was absent for Sakurai and Uzaki getting drunk and waking up in the same bed.
  • Through His Stomach: One of the methods Uzaki uses successfully to get close to Sakurai, as she's an excellent cook.
  • Undressing the Unconscious: When Sakurai gets wasted at the Uzaki family Christmas party, Uzaki and her sister Yanagi strip him down to his underwear and take pictures while he's unconscious. Fujio is understandably shocked when he comes back home from the store and orders them to put Sakurai's clothes back on him. The next day at work, Sakurai doesn't remember anything, so Uzaki and Ami show him a picture.
  • Vitriolic Best Buds: Uzaki constantly teases Sakurai about his loner tendencies and Sakurai will often regard Uzaki as a nuisance. Still though they often hang out together and are clearly friendly with each other. So much so that most other characters think the two are dating.
  • We Want Our Jerk Back!: Uzaki is so embarrassed by what happened on her birthday that she seems like an entirely different person afterward. Although Sakurai admits that he finds her a lot more bearable since she's quiet and timid for once, the fact that she's not her usual self bothers him and he tries to cheer her back up to the way she was normally. Unfortunately, he overdoes it and pays a price for it.
  • Wham Line:
    • Sakurai reminding Uzaki that he's graduating and leaving in two years. This has Uzaki explicitly mention her feelings for him inside her own head as well.
    • Chapter 55, when Sakurai tries to find an excuse of why he's not calling Uzaki by First-Name Basis.

      I feel like I can call other people by their first names easier... But it's hard for me in your case for some reason. That must be... Hmm... Because you're special to me... ... Wait, what did I just say?

  • Wham Shot: In episode 11, Uzaki arrives to Sakurai's house drenched in rain. Before he could say anything, she tearfully tells him that she couldn't hang out with him anymore. The next episode reveals she completely forgot about her report she was supposed to do over the summer and needs to finish it before they can hang out more. Sakurai just closes the door on her.
  • What Did I Do Last Night?: After the Christmas party, Sakurai says he drank so much he doesn't remember anything from that night. Subverted in that he definitely remembered Uzaki and him having an Almost Kiss.
  • What the Hell, Hero?:
    • Uzaki's dad actually berates her when he hears about the precariously-balanced nature of her relationship with Sakurai, especially due to the fact that they're not dating in spite of being so close. Though he's initially irritated at learning that "Sakurai-senpai" is a man, he becomes even more irritated at the fact that his daughter is so obviously in love with him while not dating him.
    • Ami berates Sakaki when they first met because she thinks that he's meddling with their relationship for shits and giggles, and it's not until later that she realizes that his intentions are pure.
  • Will They or Won't They?: Sakurai and Uzaki, despite their constant bickering, have an obvious attraction to each other that everyone can see. Their friends resolve themselves to helping upon realizing that neither is the type of person who would make relationship progress on their own.
  • World of Buxom: None of the named female characters look under a D cup, and readers will notice the anonymous store attendants that are female seem to all be busty Meganekkos...not helped by the volume's having extra art of some these attendants being scantily-clad. This makes Uzaki's reputation as the most buxom girl around all the more impressive.
  • You Keep Telling Yourself That:
    • Uzaki has rather callously claimed to most of the people she meets that she is close to Sakurai just because she pities the fact that he's a lonesome and antisocial guy. However, their interactions show said people that it's certainly not pity. Later on, when she does realize there could be something there, she continues to do this, claiming that it's just Sakurai who's madly in love but too cowardly to confess. At that point, even Ami starts to get pissed at the situation.
    • Both Uzaki and Sakurai are given to deny their closeness and the possibility of becoming an item to their friends and classmates. Problem is, they're fooling no one.

Alternative Title(s): Uzaki Chan Wants To Hang Out, Uzaki Chan, Uzaki Chan Wa Asobitai
