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Black Ops 2 Blue Tiger Camo Increases Damage


So, you have found your own special, all-favorite weapon in the game and want to show how much you enjoy it? Want to show the other players you kill how much of hard work you have put down on that weapon alone? Well then, this guide will explain all about how to unlock the unlockable camoflauges in the entire game.

This guide will be sectioned after weapon classes, starting with the primary weapons from top to bottom, continuing with the secondary weapons from top to bottom. At the end, I will talk about the all-famous DIAMOND CAMO!

Stick with me here and hope you learn a thing or two about the camo mechanics in this game!

Where to...?

Since you're reading this guide on a PC, I'm sure you're playing Black Ops 2 Multiplayer on a PC aswell. Press the C button when hovering the mouse over a weapon to see the camouflage selection screen, where you can see the challanges that needs to be done to unlock a certian camouflage that you want, as well as selecting an already earned camo you want to equip on your selected gun.

NOTE! To change the Combat Knife camouflage, go ahead and press the Tab key when editing a class.

The camouflages

(Psst! Refer to the image just above for all the camos available and relate them to the camouflages explained in this section!)


This option will leave your gun completely clean and will sooner be covered by the blood of your victims.


The first available camouflage unlocked, as well as one of the least used because of it's plain and one-dimensional look. It appears to be a green dusted camouflage with white and darker green spots on it, said to be used by the United States Navy Special Warfare Development Group.


Another camouflage being the second one to be unlocked, also another camo rarely seen to be used by others. The A-TACS pattern is the number 1 choice of tactical pattern for both soldier armor and weapons specfically for Arid / Urban environments.


ERDL is the third camo to be unlocked and acts more like a "camouflage" rather than a cosmetic show-off item. Another camouflage rarely seen and used by others.


Siberia is a geryish camouflage with black and white stripes(Or black with white and grey stripes? Maybe white with black and grey stripes?), and, as many other camos, was a comeback from Black Ops 1, which in fact was one of my most used camouflages. This is the first unlocked camo that stands out to be cosmetic before the other camouflages are unlocked.


The Choco camouflage is the fifth camouflage and stands out as the only camouflage that looks edible(go figure...). It has the same design as the A-TACS AU but with white sprinkled dots on it and is referred to chocolate(Not entirely, but inspired by it).

Blue Tiger

The famous camouflage from Modern Warfare 2 strikes back! With a light blue background and spot of darker blue and black, it stands out by the others as the most retro of camouflages throughout the entire series!


The Bloodshot is the seventh camo unlocked and resembles the Urban camo from Modern Warfare 2. With the same design as the ERDL camouflage but with a red theme of background with white and black spots, it's another camo that stands out as one of the community favorites from most of the Call of Duty games.

Ghostex: Delta 6

The eight camouflage unlocked, aswell as the second last camouflage before the really ridiculous camos start to kick in. This camo appears as a grey version of the DEVGRU camo and has been seen in Modern Warfare 1 and 2 as "Digital", as well as "Urban Digital" in Modern Warfare 3.

Kryptek: Typhon

This camouflage is unlike any other. Appearing as a modern digital, although not pixelated camo, it's the last camo unlocked by the basic challenges and works differently from the others. Again, not many people use this camo, but what it stands out from the others is that it is the only camo that is applied to the gun but still keeps the original color scheme of the selected gun. For instance, equiping the Kryptek: Typhon camouflage on the Peacekeeper will make the gun look a bit darker itself thanks to the camouflage.

Fun fact:Equip the Kryptek: Typhon camouflage as well as an ACOG scope on the same gun during the campaign, and it will make the acog scope completely white!

Now on to the second part of the camouflages, the completely cosmetic part!

Carbon Fiber

Outsmart your opponent in mind games with this chess-looking texture. Appearing as a white and dark grey checkered camouflage, it's the first listed camo after all the basic camos have been unlocked.

Cherry Blossom

Of course, not every Call of Duty game goes on without a camouflage that refers to the girls. This camo consists of a pink background with twigs goung about with pink flowers growing, which is my personal favorite!

Art of War

Resemble the Braveheart of the battle with this bloodstained camouflage with chinese symbols lined up, referring to the matrix symbols, but red instead of green, aswell as a complete red background.


Make this camo fit into the ridin' dirty song as you roll over your opponents with this shogun inspired camouflage consisting of two chinese warriors, ready for battle.


Mark your enemies fate with the Skulls camo. With blue skulls covering your whole gun, it's like its a power that rose from the grave


Been there, done that! With this camo, you can show off how much of work you've put down on your favorite gun by completely engulfing it in gold!

That's all that is to it. Keep on reading and you will learn how to unlock all of these camos respectively for each weapon category!

The camouflage unlocking system(IMPORTANT!)

Before you go on a hunt to unlock the camo you think look the coolest, you need to know how to get it to begin with. First off, if you're gonna unlock all the camos available for a specific gun, you need to unlock the camos starting from DEVGRU, all the way up to Kryptek: Typhon. After that, you will unlock the availability to unlock the rest of the camos listed above, which all require different challenges to be done. Take the Pistols for instance, first you need 100 headshots in total, then AFTER you've gained all those headshots, you have the access to unlock all the other camouflages(Carbon Fiber-Skulls, which in turn unlocks Gold camo). You can't unlock the later camouflages before you've earned the first 9.

Now that we've gotten that out of the way and you hopefully know how the cmo unlocking system works, let's go on with how to unlock each and every camouflage in the game!


The Assault Rifles. The category to be mostly seen used by players who claim it to be the pro category of the game series. Nevertheless, it's still a great category and a fun weapon class to try out! Here is how you unlock the camouflages for this weapon type!


Get 5 headshots.


Get 10 headshots.


Get 15 headshots.


Get 20 headshots.


Get 30 headshots.

Blue Tiger

Get 40 headshots.


Get 50 headshots.

Ghostex: Delta 6

Get 75 headshots.

Kryptek: Typhon

Get 100 headshots.

The camos below are ONLY obtainable if you've unlocked Kryptek: Typhon!

Carbon Fiber

Get 10 longshot medals(Longshot:Kills from long range).

Cherry Blossom

Get 150 kills with your gun without any attachments equiped.

Art of War

Get 150 kills with your gun on a class without any perks equiped.


Get 20 double kill medals(Double Kill:Get 2 kills at the same time)


Get 10 bloodthirsty medals(Bloodthirsty:5 kills in one life)

Personal experience...

As I'm writing this guide, I haven't gotten gold for all the Assault Rifles yet. I do have gold on the MTAR, but not on any other Assault Rifle. I do have the headshot challenges done for all the Assault Rifles except for the SMR, M8A1 and the AN-94, so I'm almost there. But my experience with the Assault Rifle camo hunt has been pretty okay. It's not that big of a challenge, other than the fact that there are 9 Assault Rifles, making it the biggest category in the game, so it takes quite some time to get gold on all of them. It's pretty easy to get gold on an Assault Rifle, but a helpful tip is to play Hardcore, as one shot to the head kills instantly. If you stay away from hardcore, then no problem, it's just as easy to get headshots in regular matches aswell!


The Shotguns. Deadly at point-blank range, useless in long-range combat. With 4 weapons in the category, making it one of the three categories in the game with the least weapons. A shotgun is a wise choice if you rely on getting up close to your enemy and doing tons of damage. Here is how you unlock the camouflages for these beasts, since it's a tad bit different from the Assault Rifles in regards of unlocking camos.


Get 5 one-hit kills.


Get 10 one-hit kills.


Get 25 one-hit kills.


Get 50 one-hit kills.


Get 75 one-hit kills.

Blue Tiger

Get 100 one-hit kills.


Get 150 one-hit kills.

Ghostex: Delta 6

Get 200 one-hit kills.

Kryptek: Typhon

Get 250 one-hit kills.

The camos below are ONLY obtainable if you've unlocked Kryptek: Typhon!

Carbon Fiber

Get 30 revenge medals(Revenge:Killed the enemy that recently killed you).

Cherry Blossom

Get 50 kills with your gun without any attachments equiped.

Art of War

Get 50 kills with your gun on a class without any perks equiped.


Get 5 double kill medals(Double Kill:Get 2 kills at the same time)


Get 10 bloodthirsty medals(Bloodthirsty:5 kills in one life)

Personal experience...

The shotguns was incredibly easy to get the camouflages for, maybe even the most easiest for anyone to ever unlock. The only problem for most players is the S12, as well as the M1216 shotguns, since you need one-hit kills with them. As you may know, they don't one-hit kill unless you are literally pointing the gun towards their face right next to them. Playing hardcore helped an incredibly lot, but then I realised that if you want the camouflages for those two shotguns more easily, you have to actually aim down your sights, get close enough and shoot at their head. You will get tons of more one-hit kills than you could imagine with the semi-automatic shotguns that way. The key is to aim and not mindlessly spam the trigger on them just as you see them.

CAMO UNLOCKING:Light Machine Guns

Let's bring out the big guns! This class is for the juggernauts who enjoy slowly walking towards their target while holding the trigger, mowing down all the enemies who dare step in their path. With a large magazine, moderate damage, high recoil and insane hip-fire inaccuracy, this type of gun is not for the light-hearted(Or leightweighted for that matter), but the big guns show off big camouflages, which stands out of all the other weapon types, so let's get going with how to unlock them!


Get 5 headshots.


Get 10 headshots.


Get 15 headshots.


Get 20 headshots.


Get 30 headshots.

Blue Tiger

Get 40 headshots.


Get 50 headshots.

Ghostex: Delta 6

Get 75 headshots.

Kryptek: Typhon

Get 100 headshots.

The camos below are ONLY obtainable after you've unlocked Kryptek: Typhon!

Carbon Fiber

Get 10 longshot medals(Longshot:Kills from long range).

Cherry Blossom

Get 150 kills with your gun without any attachments equiped.

Art of War

Get 150 kills with your gun on a class without any perks equiped.


Get 20 double kill medals(Double Kill:Get 2 kills at the same time)


Get 10 bloodthirsty medals(Bloodthirsty:5 kills in one life)

Personal experience...

The Light Machine Guns was surely a challenge in unlocking the headshots camouflages. The recoil can be uncontrollable, you're the direct opposite of the word "mobile" and rely on people showing up towards you rather than searching for them when it comes to headshots. All the tips I can give is that you put a sight on your weapon to give a clearer view of your enemy when aiming at them. Your other choices of perks and attachments are irrelevant, use whichever you're comfortable with, but mostly spend on points that makes you run faster and more reliable in mobility.


The Sniper Rifle, huh? It's a famous choice for people who wants to take down their target, silent and stealthy, although not many people know the exact role of how to use a sniper rifle and be succesfull with it. Nevertheless, the camouflages on a Sniper Rifle looks great, so let's go unlock them!


Get 5 one-hit kills.


Get 10 one-hit kills.


Get 25 one-hit kills.


Get 50 one-hit kills.


Get 75 one-hit kills.

Blue Tiger

Get 100 one-hit kills.


Get 150 one-hit kills.

Ghostex: Delta 6

Get 200 one-hit kills.

Kryptek: Typhon

Get 250 one-hit kills.

The camos below are ONLY obtainable if you've unlocked Kryptek: Typhon!

Carbon Fiber

Get 10 longshot medals(Longshot:Kills from long range).

Cherry Blossom

Get 50 kills with your gun without any attachments equiped.

Art of War

Get 50 kills with your gun on a class without any perks equiped.


Get 5 double kill medals(Double Kill:Get 2 kills at the same time)


Get 10 bloodthirsty medals(Bloodthirsty:5 kills in one life)

Personal experience...

The sniper rifles was not too big of a challenge to get the camouflages for, although some troubles was in my way. The one-hit kill medals(One shot to kill) for all the snipers was fairly easy to get.

What's that? The SVU-AS sniper can't get one-hit kills? Well, you won't get any one-hit kills unless you shoot them like you would shoot a zombie, aim for the head. Too hard? Go Hardcore mode. In Hardcore, you can put on a Supperssor attachment on it and shoot an enemy in the foot through a wall and it will be a one-hit kill! But to make things easier for both you as a sniper and for the amount of one-hit kills you need with it, it's almost a better choice to go normal core, since you'll be just as deadly as anyone else. But leave the Suppressor attachment, since if you put on a Suppressor on the SVU-AS, you are completely unable to kill a completely healthy enemy with one shot.

Another big problem was the Bloodthirsty medals. If you have troubles staying alive, then you will definitely have problems getting 5 kills in one life with a sniper. You are either gonna have to rely on defending a spot and letting the enemy come to you, giving you the kills, or either rely on luck and rush out your opponents.

The great part about getting the camos for the snipers is taht you only need 5 double kill medals, as well as 50 kills without perks and attachments rather than the standard 150 kills. Longshots are still required though, but again, not a problem. You ARE a sniper after all!


The special, unique, one-of-a-kind, ultra, stand-alone weapons of Black Ops 2. Showing that you have gotten diamond for these weapons really proves your patience and skill of the game, so let's get to it!


Assault Shield:Get 5 bash kills

Ballistic Knife:Get 25 kills

Crossbow:Get 25 kills

Combat Knife:Get 10 kills


Assault Shield:Get 10 bash kills

Ballistic Knife:Get 50 kills

Crossbow:Get 50 kills

Combat Knife:Get 20 kills


Assault Shield:Get 15 bash kills.

Ballistic Knife:Get 75 kills

Crossbow:Get 75 kills.

Combat Knife:Get 40 kills


Assault Shield:Get 20 bash kills.

Ballistic Knife:Get 100 kills

Crossbow:Get 100 kills

Combat Knife:Get 60 kills


Assault Shield:Get 30 bash kills.

Ballistic Knife:Get 125 kills.

Crossbow:Get 125 kills.

Combat Knife:Get 80 kills.

Blue Tiger

Assault Shield:Get 40 bash kills.

Ballistic Knife:Get 150 kills.

Crossbow:Get 150 kills.

Combat Knife:Get 100 kills.


Assault Shield:Get 50 bash kills.

Ballistic Knife:Get 200 kills.

Crossbow:Get 200 kills.

Combat Knife:Get 120 kills.

Ghostex: Delta 6

Assault Shield:Get 75 bash kills.

Ballistic Knife:Get 250 kills.

Crossbow:Get 250 kills.

Combat Knife:Get 160 kills.

Kryptek: Typhon

Assault Shield:Get 100 bash kills.

Ballistic Knife:Get 300 kills.

Crossbow:Get 300 kills.

Combat Knife:Get 200 kills.

The camos below are ONLY obtainable if you've unlocked Kryptek: Typhon!

Carbon Fiber

Assault Shield:Get 1000 block points from enemies shooting your shield.

Ballistic Knife:Get 5 Revenge medals(Revenge:Kill the enemy that recently killed you).

Crossbow:Get 1 Double Kill medal with the crossbow(Double Kill:Get 2 kills successively).

Combat Knife:Get 10 backstab medals(Killed an enemy by knifing them in the back).

Cherry Blossom

Assault Shield:Get 25 hatchet kills while holding the Assault Shield(Hold a Shield in your hands and throw a Combat Axe, killing the enemy with it).

Ballistic Knife:Get 25 melee kills.

Crossbow:Get 5 Revenge medals(Revenge:Killed the enemy that recently kille you).

Combat Knife:Get 5 Survivor medals(Survivor:Killed the enemy that was about to kill you, leaving you severely injured)

Art of War

Assault Shield:Get 25 bash kills in enemies shooting your shield.

Ballistic Knife:Get 25 kills with retrieved blades(The 25 kills with retrieved blades both count towards melee kills and shot blades, although it's unkown if the retrieved blade has to be a blade retrieved from a killed enemy or simply shot at the ground and picked up).

Crossbow:Get a kill by blowing up a car.

Combat Knife:Get 5 revenge medals(Revenge:Killed the enemy that recently killed you)


Assault Shield:Get 25 kills without any perks on your class.

Ballistic Knife:Get 1 double kill medal(Double Kill:Get 2 successive kills).

Crossbow:Get 1 Bloodthirsty medal(Bloodthirsty:5 kills in one life).

Combat Knife:Get 5 backfire medals(Backfire:Killed an enemy, picked up his weapon and killing him again with his own weapon).


Assault Shield:Get 25 kills with no other weapons or lethal equipment in your class.

Ballistic Knife:Get 2 bloodthirsty medals(Bloodthirsty:5 kills in one life, in this case, both melee kills and shot blades counts towards the camouflage challenge).

Crossbow:Get a kill with all 3 arrows in your clip.

Combat Knife:Get 5 Bloodthirsty medals with the Combat Knife(Bloodthirsty:Get 5 kills in one life)

Personal experience...

This was definitely a unique experience, but also my favorite weapon class of all the available weapons in the game. Let's go over the more difficult camouflage challenges of these four weapons.

The Assault Shield challenges are all not too difficult to get at all. 100 Bash kills is basically meleeing with the Assault Shield equipped, where you bash your opponent with your shield. It takes two bashes to take down an enemy in a normal game, although it takes one bash in a Hardcore game mode. The other challenges aren't too difficult though.

The Ballistic Knife, my favoite weapon of all. The only problematic camouflage challenges is the crazy amount of kills you need with it to reach Kryptek: Typhon.

The Crossbow was an insane weapon. First you need 300 kills with it, which almost seems to be the reason nobody wants to unlock it's camouflages. Then you are gonna need to blow up a car with the timed explosive arrow, and mind you that people are smart enough to stay away from cars. THEN you are also gonna need to get 5 kills in one life! It's a challenge wrapped within a challenge, shrouded in challenges, that's what it is! A helpful tip for getting the Bloodthirsty medal with the crossbow is that all the 5 kills doesn't have to be one after another, you can get 30 kills in one life, 5 of them coming from the Crossbow and you will get the camouflage.

Me for instance, I got my bloodthirsty medal on Aftermath. I got 4 kills with it in a row, but then I missed the other two arrows, leaving me with nothing but a knife. Luckily, I had Scavenger equiped on my class, so I knifed an enemy, picked up the ammo pack, switched to the crossbow, reloaded, shot a guy with it and then I got the camo.

The Combat Knife is the reason I got this game. The thought of completely ditching your primary, secondary, your tactical and lethal equipment, gaining you more space for perks was an amazing feature and I loved it with my entire heart and hope that it will be an option in Call of Duty Ghosts... But enough about that. The Combat Knife was incredibly easy for me to get all the camos for, nothing was really a challenge. The Ronin challenge with the backfire medals was though a challenge that I've heard most people have been having problems with. Since it's only 5 backfire medals and not 20, it's a pretty fast and easy challenge to get. Kill someone with the knife, pick up his weapon and get as many kills as you can with that weapon until you die, and then do the process again until you have the camouflage.

CAMO UNLOCKING:Submachine Guns

The Submachine Gun. The lightweight go-to choice for all map-rushing needs. Light but deadly. In this game, the Submachine Guns are a wise choice because of the close quarter map design, aswell as their humongous magasine sizes aiding the user in their battles, of course you want to show off how deadly you are with them!


Get 5 headshots.


Get 10 headshots.


Get 15 headshots.


Get 20 headshots.


Get 30 headshots.

Blue Tiger

Get 40 headshots.


Get 50 headshots.

Ghostex: Delta 6

Get 75 headshots.

Kryptek: Typhon

Get 100 headshots.

The camos below are ONLY obtainable if you've unlocked Kryptek: Typhon!

Carbon Fiber

Get 30 revenge medals(Revenge:Killed the enemy that recently killed you).

Cherry Blossom

Get 150 kills with your gun without any attachments equiped.

Art of War

Get 150 kills with your gun on a class without any perks equiped.


Get 20 double kill medals(Double Kill:Get 2 kills at the same time)


Get 10 bloodthirsty medals(Bloodthirsty:5 kills in one life)

Personal experience...

The Submachine Guns was maybe one of the easier camouflages to unlock. The headshots were relativly easy to get, wether if you are aiming or of you are hipfiring with a laser sight equipped. Not a problem to get at all of the other camouflages, so no need for tips here, other than that time will pay for the camos, so don't go all in and put down 100% of your awake hours getting camos.


The pistol. Your loyal wingman when your ammo consumption is higher than your blood preassure. With headshots required and 5 weapons in the category, it's a great challenge to get the challenges done in the time you expected. Let's go ahead and unlock the camouflages for these little supportive weapons!


Get 5 headshots.


Get 10 headshots.


Get 15 headshots.


Get 20 headshots.


Get 30 headshots.

Blue Tiger

Get 40 headshots.


Get 50 headshots.

Ghostex: Delta 6

Get 75 headshots.

Kryptek: Typhon

Get 100 headshots.

The camos below are ONLY obtainable if you've unlocked Kryptek: Typhon!

Carbon Fiber

Get 30 revenge medals(Revenge:Killed the enemy that recently killed you).

Cherry Blossom

Get 150 kills with your gun without any attachments equiped.

Art of War

Get 150 kills with your gun on a class without any perks equiped.


Get 20 double kill medals(Double Kill:Get 2 kills at the same time)


Get 10 bloodthirsty medals(Bloodthirsty:5 kills in one life)

Personal experience...

The pistols was a real pain for me. The headshots for the Five-Seven, TAC-45 and the B23R was incredibly difficult to get. Maybe you will have a greater chance in getting them faster than I did! Now, you might expect the Executioner revolver Shotgun hybrid to have on-hit kills rather than headshots, but I'm here to say that you're wrong. The Executioner still needs headshots rather than one-hit kills to unlock the first 9 camouflages. What did you say? What's the best method in getting the headshots for the Executioner? Well, call me insane, but you should aim towards their head when you shoot...

Jokes aside, you have to get up close, aim down your sights and shoot when you have your aim just right. The mistake everyone does is to happily stomp the trigger without aiming at all. That way, you will get headshots in a random-low rate. If you aim down your sights everytime you bumb into an enemy, your number of headshots gained each match will dramatically increase! Just make sure you are close enough to make the shot, otherwise you will be outgunned with only 5 shots in your revolver chamber.


The rocket launchers. It's your go-to choice for supporting your team in taking down enemy drones, shooting down enemy choppers or simply killing your opponents with an explosion. The category have 3 launchers and counts as the smallest category of all, although I don't see it as a "weapon" category, but a tool for the supportive classes. Let's go pimp them out with some cool camouflages, letting everyone know how good of a supportive player you are!

The challenges below are for the SMAW and the FHJ-18 AA. The RPG challenges will be shown in the next section...


Destroy 5 enemy aircraft.


Destroy 10 enemy aircraft.


Destroy 20 enemy aircraft.


Destroy 30 enemy aircraft.


Destroy 40 enemy aircraft.

Blue Tiger

Destroy 50 enemy aircraft.


Destroy 60 enemy aircraft.

Ghostex: Delta 6

Destroy 75 enemy aircraft.

Kryptek: Typhon

Destroy 100 enemy aircraft.

The camos below are ONLY obtainable if you've unlocked Kryptek: Typhon!

Carbon Fiber

SMAW:Get 10 impact kills(Shoot a rocket and kill them by directly hitting the ricket on them).

FHJ-18 AA:Destroy 10 aircraft as quickly as possible as they enter the map.

Cherry Blossom

SMAW & FHJ-18 AA:Destroy 5 aircraft in one match

Art of War

SMAW:Get a kill by blowing up a car.

FHJ-18 AA:Destroy 2 enemy aircraft repeatedly(One after another)


SMAW:Get 5 double kill medals(Double Kill:2 successive kills with one rocket)

FHJ-18 AA:Destroy 10 scorestreaks that is being controlled by the player(Lodestar, Dragonfire, VTOL Warship, controlled Sentry Gun etc...)


SMAW:Destroy a Dragonfire

FHJ-18 AA:Destroy an AGR robot.

Personal experience...

This was another time consuming pain to unlock. The number of scorestreaks to shoot down in the first place was a walk in the park, since everyone is always having a UAV or a counter UAV in the air constantly. If you hear the announcer mentioning a drone/helicopter in the air, stay at a safe spot with a clear view of the sky and shoot it down at an instant.

The challanges after the Kryptek: Typhon was surely a challenge. The Dragonfire is a rare occurance in a game and if you spot someone using it, you just got a gift from god. 2 rocket will take it down, so either shoot a rocket at it(You can lock on to a Dragonfire with the SMAW launcher) and get killed by the Dragonfire, then respawn and shoot it again. Or you can bring up your primary weapon and shoot at it a maximum of 7-10 bullets, then switch to the launcher and shoot it down.

The AGR challenge for the FHJ-18 AA was also a pain, since you rarely see someone using it. And if you do spot someone using it and ready to shoot it down, it will most likely attack you instantly, unless you have blind eye on your class. Again, 2 rockets will take it down, and since you start with 2 rockets, this will hopefully work out as long as no enemy has you in their sight and you ever join a game where someone has an AGR scorestreak in their scorestreak loadout and ever get it in a game.

The 10 player controlled scorestreaks is another great challenge for the FHJ-18 AA. Many people tend to use supportive scorestreaks like the UAV, counter UAV and scorestreaks that they don't control themselves. All I can say is that you wait it out and hope for the enemy to get a scorestreak they control themselves. Mostly it will be a Dragonfire or a VTOL-Warship. A sentry gun is irrelevant since it's best when it is automatically shooting at enemies on sight, and nobody is seen controlling it remotely. Simply hope for someone to get such a scorestreak.


I had to separate the RPG from the other 2 launchers since it has a different way of unlocking the first 9 camouflages.

The RPG is a freely controlled launcher, but cannot lock on to aircraft and drones, so it is widely used as a standard weapon to blow your opponents into pieces. With only two rockets without scavenger equiped, it doesn't serve all too much helpful as a stand-alone weapon. Let's go blow stuff up and get some camouflages, eh?


Get 10 kills.


Get 20 kills.


Get 30 kills.


Get 40 kills.


Get 50 kills.

Blue Tiger

Get 60 kills.


Get 70 kills.

Ghostex: Delta 6

Get 80 kills.

Kryptek: Typhon

Get 100 kills.

The camos below are ONLY obtainable if you've unlocked Kryptek: Typhon!

Carbon Fiber

Get 10 impact kills(Killed the enemy with a direct impact rocket).

Cherry Blossom

Destroy 1 aircraft.

Art of War

Get a kill by blowing up a car.


Get 5 double kill medals(Double Kill:Get 2 kills at the same time)


Get 1 Triple Kill medal(Triple Kill:3 succesive kills)

Personal experience...

The RPG wasn't a big problem when getting the camouflages. The only real problem was the relativly small blast radius which made the "Ronin" and "Skulls" a big challenge to get. A great tip is to go domination and shoot a rocket by the flag when it is being captured. That way, you won't have that much of trouble getting both the camos.

A patch was made that prevented the triple kill medal camouflage obtainable by getting 2 kills with a selected weapon and then a third kill with the RPG at the same time, so don't attempt to perform that glitch as it has been fixed.

The kill with a car explosion is incredibly simple. Stay at a position where a car is, and when you spot someone next to it, shoot the car as fast as you can. The best spot is on Cargo where there are two cars, one on each team spawn point. Drone also has a car right next to the B flag on domination, which is also a great spot to explode when it is being captured by the enemy!

The Gold Camo

Bling bling! This camo shows off how much you enjoy a specific gun. You want it? Then you're gonna have to unlock all the camos for one specific gun. You enjoy using the SMR because of it's amazing reload animation? Then you have to get all the camos unlockable, starting from DEVGRU, up to Kryptek: Typhon and then all the camouflages after that.


The Diamond Camo

This is what you are working for isn't it? Showing how you can cover your ENTIRE gun in a gold base and then sprinkle it with diamond gems all over it! Well, you have got to do alot of hard work on so many things that you find to be not as useful, because if you want the diamond camo for a specific gun, you have to get the gold camo for all the guns in the entire weapon category! Let's take the Snipers as an example, say you want the DSR-50 Sniper Rifle in diamond, yes? Well then, if so, you will have to get gold on all the Snipers to get diamond on them. You want diamond on one specific Assault Rifle? Then you have to get gold on all the 9 Assault Rifles! You think that the Remmington is such a badass gun? Go ahead and work on getting gold on all the shotguns if so! You have to do unecessary work to get something you want!

End +FAQ

Hi there again! If you have any kinds of questions about a camo that you can't seem to unlock or are still confused over how to unlock a certian camo, then feel free to post a comment below, I'll add the question here, followed by your name and my answer to it.

Tell me, do you think that the camo system works good in Black Ops 2? Was it better in any other Call of Duty title? Do you have any possible thoughts or hopes of how the camouflage system will work on Call of Duty Ghosts? Write it in the comments, it's always fun to hear the opinions of others!

My name is Melee-Chan, and hope to see you in Call of Duty: Ghosts!

Here's the questions and answers so far.

Aisteru asked:Got any tips for getting the crossbow 5 kills challenge?

My Answer:Time is your best bet. It takes tons of time and patience to get that one challenge that everyone hates to be farily honest. But my biggest tip is that the Bloodthirsty medal for the crossbow doesn't essentially need a bloodthirsty medals where all those 5 kills comes from the crossbow. Since you have a total of 6 arrows, you will screw up the challenge if you miss two of them, but I discovered that if you at least get 5 kills in one life from the crossbow, no matter how many kills you get inbetween with other weapons, you will still get the challenge. So for instance, if you get 12 kills with the MP7 and 5 kills with the crossbow, all in one life, you will still get the challenge. I have no idea if this... thing, is patched or not, I can't really find out that easily at the moment, but if it has been patched, let me know and I'll change it here!

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